Bishop Lloyd’s Palace

Chester Civic Trust is fortunate to have its headquarters in one of the oldest and most fascinating buildings on the historic Rows of Chester, known as Bishop Lloyd’s Palace.

We know very little about the long history of the individual town houses on Chester Rows.

A small group of members of the Trust has produced a series of monographs about the history of Bishop Lloyd’s Palace through late Tudor times to contemporary restorations.

This important town house has been associated with Chester Merchant Adventurers, a king’s ex-mistress, a coaching firm, a girls’ school, a pub and a cheese makers.

It has been linked with the Puritanism of Bishop Lloyd and a Catholic missionary group in the Victorian era. These are just some of its incarnations.

What is here is a picture of a town house and its uses and changes through the ages.

please click here to view a Virtual Tour of Bishop Lloyd’s Palace.

For no other house on the Rows has such a detailed history been made available to members of the public.

Whilst the authors of these monographs have made every effort to be historically accurate, neither they nor Chester Civic Trust can accept any liability for any omissions or errors.

Illustrations from archives in the Cheshire Record Office are reproduced with the permission of Cheshire Archives & Local Studies and the owner/depositor to whom copyright is reserved

Monograph No 1 Introduction to the Property

Monograph No.2 Bishop Lloyd

Monograph No.3 Street Frontage

Monograph No.4 Royalists Roundheads and Restoration

Monograph No.5 Bishop Lloyd’s Palace and The Yacht

Monograph No.6 Bishop Lloyd’s Palace and The Roman Catholic Church

Monograph No.7 JP Harrison and BLP

Monograph No 8 – Bishop Lloyd’s Place

Monograph No 9 – BLP and the Cheese Factors

Monograph No 10 – The Chester Merchant Adventurers

Monograph No 11 – BLP Ownership