Cheshire Historic Buildings Preservation Trust
Who are we?
Often described as ‘the agents of last resort’, building preservation trusts exist all over the country to save listed buildings and local landmarks from terminal decline.
Our remit is broad enough to cover a wide range of property in various stages of disrepair, but in order to qualify for grants and

Blue Coat
take advantage of low-interest loans from the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF), the building or structure has to be special and its restoration has to be commercially unviable. In other words, we tend to take on only the desperate cases!
The Chester Historic Buildings Preservation Trust Limited (CHBPT) was formed in 1981 with the active support and encouragement of the Chester Civic Trust. CHBPT is a private company, limited by guarantee, and its registered as a charity.
In 2013 the Trust was reformed to cover a wider geographical area as ‘The Cheshire Historic Buildings Preservation Trust’ and its remit encompasses Wirral, Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire East, Halton and Warrington.
For more information or to make a donation please visit the web site: